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OurCity2030 Employers’ Forum: Learnings from the OurCity2030 Pathways Programme to date

Wednesday 18th September 2024 saw the third edition of the OurCity2030 Employers’ Forum, hosted at Novotel Bristol Centre, and attended by over 40 professionals working in a variety of sectors across the city.

These Forums, which take place twice a year, provide an engaging and safe space for businesses and professionals to come together and share and learn about engaging and recruiting diverse talent, social value agendas, and strategies for inclusion as part of the OurCity2030 initiative.

This edition of the Forum was themed around the learnings from the OurCity2030 Pathways Programme to date, with a panel discussion featuring employers and young people who have taken part.

The evening was brilliantly hosted by Mae, a young person Babbasa supported to get into a marketing and communications role in the arts and culture sector in Bristol. 

Following Mae’s welcome, where they told their story, the panellists discussed what worked well for them during their participation in the OurCity2030 Pathways Programme, and why other industry sectors should consider running Pathways in the future.

Ably facilitated by Caroline Amran, Senior Business Engagement Lead at Babbasa, the panel consisted of Clare Leczycki (Bristol Creative Industries), Jazpa One (Big Team), and Amy Smith and Kushal Khatiwada, who took part in the Pathway into Creative and Tech (Amy) and the Pathway into Festivals & Events (Kushal).

The panel was followed by three breakout rooms giving a safe space for people from various organisations and backgrounds who shared their stories, highlighted processes they’ve put in place to reach diverse talent and remove barriers, and shared insights on driving the social mobility agenda.

It was great to see positive feedback and learnings for the next edition spring 2025.

  • 89% cited gaining useful information that may support you with equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) practices

  • 90% said the Forum supported to access useful information to enhance ways of accessing diverse young talent

  • 90% cited the Forum helped to foster connections for collaborative working

  • 100% learned something new at the event

To learn more about OurCity2030, partnering with us to recruit diverse talent and develop EDI practices, contact



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